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Audience Reviews: from the Abavuki Livestream Concert on 12 June 2021​
Absolutely incredible. Thank you so much guys!
- Tom Hilliar and the Kiama Downs Medical Practice team in Australia (Event Sponsor)
The show was amazing! There's also something special they bring to the stage, a certain atmosphere that is very warm. They are sincere, they want peace, they want prosperity, for everyone, and that comes across.
- Jeremy van Wyk, Cape Town Radio Personality
They were riveting and basking in their glory! I was so impressed by their multi-instrumentalism.
- Vonita Bates (South Africa)
Congratulations to the band for a great performance. And to the team that did the sound. It was excellent, which is seldom the case with live streams.
- Murray Anderson, Milestone Studios (South Africa)
Great to see the band and to stay connected from Dordrecht, the Netherlands. Would have been nice to have even more music! Thanks for organising the event!
- Andre Schoonhoven (The Netherlands)
Wow, this was an amazing event. The members of Abavuki are so talented. Loved the Concert. The music singing, instruments. Great fun.
- Julie Smythe (Australia)

Previous Media Coverage
"They are the most energetic band I have ever seen" - Davy Sims (exBBC Editor) (2016)
Abavuki at Okarina Festival - Davy Sims (ex BBC editor,) (2015)
Abavuki's New Sound - Music Means Sharing, Sharing Means Humanity - Caterina Dubini (2016)
Abavuki and Kelele from South Africa to perform at 20th RWMF in July - Borneo Post, Malaysia (2017)
Ground Up: Township based bands are music to the ears of youth (2014)
News 24: Abavuki to perform at Impilo Jazz event (2019)
Media Update: Capetonian Afro-fusion band Abavuki to tour Europe (2015)
Africa Got Soul - Clive Davis, The Sunday Times UK (2008)
Previous Reviews​
The name given to the group roughly translates as “Wake up early birds” which for us conjures up something rather delicate to gently lift you from sweet slumber… but this is a far cry from the incredible rhythmic sound storm they actually produce.
In among the hardcore drumming dance frenzy combining African and Cuban rhythms Afrobeat, soul and jazz, prepare yourselves for some fantastic singing by all band members , some occasionally breaking into opera-esque vocals. Simply great. - Colours of Ostrava